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Want to Play Golf With Bill Murray? Here's Your Chance

By Max Adler

How much would you pay to play with golf’s undisputed biggest celebrity? If you answered at least five dollars, then you have a chance. In a sweepstakes run by Prizeo, The Murray Bros. Caddyshack Charity Golf Tournament is offering a spot in the foursome of the most famous brother. There is one week left to buy what are essentially online raffle tickets. The winner receives airfare to and accommodation in St. Augustine, Florida. There, on April 20-22nd, what will take place is a two-day party of golf, music and Murray antics (and maybe even a few Carl Spackler cannonballs). Most important, money will be raised for an assortment of educational and medical charities. In the 15-year history of the tournament, whose inaugural year coincided with the opening of the Murray Bros. CaddyShack restaurant at World Golf Village, the brothers from Chicago have raised over $4 million. What makes this year special is the crowd-sourced method.

What if you don’t win? Well, there are rewards for different levels of donors. The purchase of 10 tickets ($50) reaps a T-shirt, 50 tickets ($250) a signed Cinderella Story poster, and 1,000 tickets ($5,000) a pair of tickets to the event and a photo with Bill.

Before you balk at the improbable nature of sweepstakes, consider the true excellence of this offer. In November 2015, The New York Times published an article declaring Bill Murray a “secular saint” whose worship transcends all other A-listers. While the world loves folks like Brad Pitt and George Clooney, we don’t plaster their images on barroom walls, bumper stickers and coffee mugs. The article quotes Zach Tutor, who runs one of the Tumblrs devoted to Murray, as saying the actor “embodies ‘the idea of living life to its fullest’ and evokes ‘the sense of freedom that we all pursue.’”

So, this week for five bucks you have a chance to secure a tee-time with golf’s the world’s greatest icon. What are your odds of actually winning this sweepstakes? As Bill Murray’s character said in a stirring speech to an assembly of dejected campers in the 1979 movie Meatballs, “It just doesn’t matter!”

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